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I'm Lucy

I’m Lucy, and I’m obsessed with all things business! As a first-time mum, I took an idea, £200’s worth of knitted toys, a market stall, and turned it into a thriving business that serves the community through our bricks & mortar stores, our family café and an e-commerce store. Find me at

Acorn & Pip.

My experience in building my business has taught me the tested and proven secrets to building a career you adore, from the ground up. Whether you’re looking to start your own business, elevate your business growth or just want to learn more about what it takes to build a career, I can help you find your way.

Through courses, community and collaboration, I’ll challenge and encourage you to build the business you envision.

Get results like these...

If you are serious about growing your business, don’t wait any longer. I have had so many A-HA! moments in the past few weeks, I wish I had done it sooner!

The lessons I have taken away and applied to my business have been so invaluable and I am so grateful to the amazing Lucy for all the time and attention she has poured into this course.

She truly is a small business guru and so passionate about helping others to grow.

- Rachel: Founder, Little Beacon

The course has been absolutely brilliant!
The course has given me a much greater level of understanding of how to use and implement all the tools that are available and are necessary for growth for the modern business.

Lucy is a complete powerhouse with a plethora of business knowledge and skills - a huge inspiration! She provides so much support throughout the course and has provided me with so much motivation and confidence to grow my business!

- Fiona: Founder, Indi & Will

This course has helped me find focus and understanding of the deeper workings of my business, I can see myself coming back to my notes and the exercises we have done in the months (and years!) ahead.

Every week I leave with a fresh mindset, full of ideas of ways I can develop and grow my business. It’s really encouraged me to be more mindful of what I want to achieve - and also given me the tools to be able to work towards it. Thank you!

- Charlotte: Founder, Loving By Nature


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