Breaking down some of the things that I like to chat about

On The Blog

Nurturing Your Nervous System: 5 Things You Can Do Every Day to Maintain Nervous System Balance

Nurturing Your Nervous System: 5 Things You Can Do Every Day to Maintain Nervous System Balance

Your nervous system is responsible for controlling and coordinating all the functions of your body. ...more


July 03, 20232 min read

Defining Your Version of Success: A Guide for Female Business Owners

Defining Your Version of Success: A Guide for Female Business Owners

It's easy to get caught up in the idea of what success should look like but it's important to define your own version of success, and not let others' definitions dictate your happiness and fulfilment.... ...more


July 03, 20232 min read

Work-Life Harmony: How to Achieve Balance Post-COVID

Work-Life Harmony: How to Achieve Balance Post-COVID

For female business owners, achieving work-life harmony can be challenging, but it's not impossible. By setting boundaries, prioritising self-care, embracing flexibility, and focusing on what matters ... ...more


June 27, 20233 min read


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