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Work-Life Harmony: How to Achieve Balance Post-COVID

Work-Life Harmony: How to Achieve Balance Post-COVID

June 27, 20233 min read

Work-Life Harmony: How to Achieve Balance Post-COVID

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many changes to our lives, including the way we work. With many businesses shifting to remote work, the line between work and personal life become blurred as remain so in many cases. As a result, achieving work-life balance has become more challenging than ever before.

For female business owners, this shift has been particularly challenging. I don’t need to go into detail about why this is more challenging for women but for obvious reasons, our caregiving role in society dictates that we are under extra burden, exacerbated by the pandemic.However, there is a growing movement towards work-life harmony, which prioritises balance and flexibility over rigid work schedules, a mindset shift if you will. 

What is Work-Life Harmony?

Work-life harmony is a mindset shift that prioritises balance and flexibility over traditional notions of work-life balance. It acknowledges that work and personal life are not separate entities, but rather two parts of a whole. It encourages individuals to find a way to integrate work and personal life in a way that works for them, rather than trying to keep them separate.

Post-COVID Work-Life Harmony

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many businesses to shift to remote work, which has had a significant impact on work-life harmony. With no clear separation between work and personal life, it can be challenging to achieve balance. However, there are some ways that female business owners can achieve work-life harmony in a post-COVID world.

  1. Set Boundaries

One of the most important things you can do to achieve work-life harmony is to set boundaries. This means defining clear work hours and sticking to them, as well as setting boundaries around personal time. Make sure that you are not checking emails or taking work calls during personal time, and set clear expectations with your team.

  1. Prioritise Self-Care

Self-care is crucial for achieving work-life harmony. Make sure that you are taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. This might mean taking breaks throughout the day to stretch or meditate, or prioritising exercise and healthy eating.

  1. Embrace Flexibility

Flexibility is key to achieving work-life harmony. This means being open to changes in your schedule and being willing to adjust your work hours to accommodate personal needs. It also means being willing to delegate tasks and ask for help when needed.

  1. Focus on What Matters

Finally, it's important to focus on what matters most. This means prioritising the things that are most important to you, whether that's spending time with family, pursuing hobbies, or growing your business. By focusing on what matters most, you can achieve work-life harmony and find balance in your life.

In conclusion, work-life harmony is a mindset shift that prioritises balance and flexibility over traditional notions of work-life balance. For female business owners, achieving work-life harmony can be particularly challenging, but it's not impossible. By setting boundaries, prioritising self-care, embracing flexibility, and focusing on what matters most, you can achieve work-life harmony and find balance in your life.

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